Sunday, January 8, 2012

I Finally Did It-I Xanthan Gummed

I have been fearful of cooking, baking or having anything to do with making something gluten free from scratch.  That is why I am so reliant on baking mixes and pre-made meals. 

Using ingredients like Sorghum flour and xanthan gum sounded far too exotic to be going into biscuits.  And honestly, the ingredients are too damn expensive to screw up a recipe with them.  I mean you can buy a bag of good old-fashioned flour for under a $2 and if you mess up the cookies, no biggie.  But when the specialty flour costs $6 and the other specialty ingredients cost $9 a pop, you don't want to go messin with it.  We joke that GF Bisquick is like gold or a precious gem, handled with great care.  You get it?  There are no cutesy flour throwing scenes in our kitchen.

One of my new year's resolutions was to start baking without the mix.  And I did it!  Sure it was last year's resolution, so technically I am a year late, but I did it.  

I xanthan gummed a recipe and wait for was good.

New Year's Day breakfast consisted of gluten free chocolate chip scones and gluten free bagels and lox. 

And it wasn't hard.  It did take a little extra time, but it wasn't hard and everything tasted good.

I got the recipes from a day before Christmas purchase in the bargain books aisle at Barnes & Noble.  

But guess what you can get it for even cheaper on Amazon. Click here to take a look and buy it.

Click here for a quick link to the Chocolate Chip Scone Recipe.
So here's to a new year and a whole lot more Xanthan Gum.
2012 is gonna be good.

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