Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Sorghum What?

Sorghum Flour
Tapioca Starch
Millet Flour
Xanthan Gum
Brown Rice Flour

These are the ingredients I need to make gluten free bread for my family. Or pizza crust.   What the hell is sorghum flour? 

This list overwhelms me. The prices overwhelm me.
The cost of the above ingredients is roughly $45.  That does not include eggs, milk, oil and salt and other ingredients.  For a loaf of bread!

I almost cried the other day in Kroger as I walked by the sign hanging above the cheap white bread that I used to buy my family.  The sign said "4 Loaves for $5."  Ouch.

This weekend I had every intention to begin my journey into baking and cooking from scratch.  But I caved.  I couldn't spend the money and didn't know where to find the ingredients.

So I went back to being mix-dependent.  

But thank god for gluten free Bisquick.   Yes, it comes in a smaller box and is more expensive.  But it works and it tastes good.

I use it to make pizza crust, chicken nuggets, waffles, pancakes and corn dogs.  It is a life saver.  We usually order it in bulk from glutenfreely.com  The site has some good deals and some good information.

Hopefully, I will break my mix habit soon.  But for now, thank you Bisquick. 

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